Perpetual engineering
The engineering process of Turnbull is a perpetual journey. ‘What if?’ is an open ended question that knows only the limits we put on it. At Turnbull, we define the core design variables, and work to perfect each variable one by one. We recognize that as we optimize one variable, that may change the variables we have already optimized. Therefore, we continually revisit each variable until the outcomes remain consistent.
Lasting Performance
From the coating durability of the transition pieces to the termination processes themselves, Turnbull is designed to perform and look like new for many years. Each parameter of the connector and the transition pieces are designed to enhance electrical signal transfer through resonance control and solid connections. However, we also take great care that every connection of every material held within is secured robustly, maintaining the integrity of every aspect of the cable for years to come.

Ultra pure, triple annealed, polished, and carefully customized size, Turnbull conductors are truly special.

With the closest proximity to electrical signal other than the conductor, dielectric choice is critical. Turnbull created a proprietary combination of materials to minimize negative effects.

Vibration control
The universe is made up of vibrations. Some good, some bad. Turnbull focuses on the elimination of extraneous vibrations created by resistance in conductors.

Field Obfuscation
To obfuscate means to darken, or make unclear. Turnbull’s novel technology addresses many wavelengths both within and beyond the electrical range, confusing the path to the conductor itself. This creates a bubble of decreased wavelength interaction, and a more pure path for the signal to travel through.

Shapes & sizing
The shaping of metal influences harmonic damping, and can direct and limit paths of vibration. Transition and termination part shapes are considered for cosmetic appeal, but primarily for resonance control properties, and accurate high pressure engagement on cable assemblies.

Everything at Turnbull Audio has multiple considerations for iteration, but performance is always the key directive. Though aesthetically pleasing, the finishing, processing, and coating of the metal parts are also enhancements on the shielding capability. Utilizing proprietary etching that changes the molecular structure of the metal, special dyes that absorb infrared frequencies, and advanced anodizing. The termination and transition pieces act as shields beyond the normal frequency ranges that the metal itself would normally protect against.