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The specifics of the dielectric that Turnbull uses are highly proprietary, but the philosophies behind the engineering are not.

Primary Layer

With all the care taken in preparing the conductor itself, the process of applying dielectric has great potential to damage the annealing done if excess heat is introduced post conductor processing. The primary layer is cold pressed and  has the lowest dielectric constant possible, thus maintaining the integrity of both the conductor and the signal.

 Constrained layer damping

Though constrained layer damping is technically a vibrational technological application, it is purposely built into the dielectric process itself. The differing materials used, the geometry of the materials and their employment, and the closest proximity to the conductor make this proprietary design extremely powerful.

 Triboelectric Environment

The many examinations of materials used in constrained layer damping lead to a discovery in the triboelectric chain.  Research has shown that a negatively charged triboelectric chain can be a more stable environment than a neutral environment.  Materials that Turnbull Audio researched and  utilized in the constrained layer damping application were chosen for their ability to also  create a negatively charged triboelectric environment.  This dual action technology results in a dramatic reduction in self-induced noise

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